World is uncertain, adulthood is horrifying, but I was toughen up every time I looked back to my teenage years
It is like completely gone by now but I still maintain some connection whose development are still traceable by me, I mean some connections that grow close to me. The rest of it, stopped at some point, leave me getting more and more alone in braving myself through these cold damn adulthood . But I am forever grateful not only for the connections that happen to be still in my side, to those which sadly had to be locked in a chest, I cherish you too, for all the best time we had. There are many ways to see the today me, but this is the most common one 25 year old rookie researcher who eat a little too much and never dated anybody. In this developing country, not having any thoughts about marriage at my age has been considered troubles ome. Some of my friends are having their second kids. Averagely are just engaged or recently married. Every time I bumped into old folks, these are like their first question s : “So which boy you are dating now? Has anyone ask ed to marry yo...